When you see terms such as treatment, cure, prevent, etc., all of these are used in a generic sense (i.e. from Standard English definitions) and they DO NOT have any relationship to any type of drugs, be it prescription, over the counter, recreational, or otherwise.
We are Anti-Drugs and the following protocols are completely organic food supplements used to rejuvenate and rehab your pets to get them back on their feet.
By continuing you agree with the above statement, our terms of service, you understand that this site’s content has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as these products are botanicals and NOT drugs, and you are willing to try an alternative approach that may rehab your pets, then congrats on forward thinking now please continue.
Remember, if you think drugs are the solution then please leave now.
Still here? Great, you’re thinking outside of the box, and we like that. We too are sick and tired of the big drug pushers pandering chemicals that are toxic and typically have a long laundry list of contra-indications (that’s code-speak for side-effects).
People in the medical profession, which includes most vets, have never heard of these products and are usually quite dismissive, even though they have never used them before. Hmm, that sounds like making a conclusion without any information, how does that work?
So, if you ask your vet about these products or any of the other natural products that we recommend, be prepared, they will probably laugh at you or some are highly critical and will even ridicule you for looking into non-chemical health solutions for you and your pets. They would rather stay in bed with the big pharmaceutical companies and rake in lots of bonuses – lots of cash, for pushing the drug du jour.
So, we’ve done lots of research into organic health solutions and have a recommendation that we believe will help rejuvenate your pets and get them back on their feet again.
The treatment period is typically three times a day for up to ten days.
Both products are liquid and come with eye droppers. In order to keep each product uncontaminated, use the eye droppers to measure the liquid into another container, this way if you are using these products to prevent an outbreak, then you do not want to taint the bottles. You can use a feeding syringe (i.e. one with NO needles) if necessary. Please refrigerate your products after opening (and keep them out of the reach of kids and pets). They have a two year shelf life.
If your pets do not like the taste, then use fun foods (i.e. put it in treats they like). Here are some other things to try:
– Esbilac Puppy Replacement Milk (mix it from the powder form and use filtered water or oat water)
– KMR Kitten Replacement Milk
– Yogurt (plain or fruit-flavored, get the type with acidophilus)
– Fruit lovers: applesauce, fruit juice, fruit cups
– Oatmeal
– Stage 1 or Stage 2 baby food (meat, veggie flavors, etc.)
– Pudding
– Melted vanilla ice cream (room temp, give occasionally and in small amounts only)
– Canned pet food, but make sure it is a high-quality pet food – we recommend Triumph dog food (which we use with our own dogs) and Triumph cat food.
These products are dog-tested for safety, freshness, and effectiveness. We use a range of these herbal products on our own seven dogs for various issues.
We’ve never had any problems, allergic reactions, or anything out of the ordinary. Typically, when they are moping around we give them a few doses of the products (depending what type of symptoms we see) and usually we see a turn around within a few hours.
Now, one big key is that we constantly work off of a prevention model. We believe that if we keep their immune system running high, they will then be able to fight off most germs, bacteria, parasites, and viruses (without vaccinations).
So, far so good; for example we’re in the 3rd worst state in the US for Parvo and by following our own simple steps we are Parvo-Free.