Kennel Cough Symptoms

A cute brown puppy lying on a cozy carpet indoors, looking playful and comfortable.

Things that we’ll cover in this article:

  1. Kennel Cough Symptoms
  2. Kennel Cough Vaccine
  3. Kennel Cough Treatment

This guide should help you determine if you are seeing kennel cough symptoms (dogs’ version) or could your dog have some other conditions such as dog flu or perhaps even dog pneumonia?

The symptoms of kennel cough from your perspective will seem extremely disconcerting. You will see your dog experience an upper respiratory condition that produces any or all of the following:

  • Dry hacking cough that is constant (all hours of the day and night) – this sounds deep like something is stuck in his throat
  • Dog wheezing, gagging, and sometimes vomiting after excitement
  • Dog congestion, sneezing, and snorting
  • Basically it sounds similar to when humans have the flu and have a “bad coughing spell”

Most of us have experienced a bad flu at one time or another and we know and understand how horrible this condition is. Now when you hear that distinctive canine cough (or puppy cough as this problem can affect dogs of all ages) you may wonder how your dog got this condition in the first place.

The Kennel Cough virus is highly contagious and super easy to transmit from one animal to the next. Typically when dogs are in close proximity to large groups of dogs, the hygiene of their area is not disinfected properly, and just one dog has the virus, then the rest will come down with it rather quickly.

You will see this in grooming shops, boarding kennels, puppy mills (dog breeders), dog parks, doggie day care, etc. The incubation is 2-14 days so you might not see symptoms immediately following exposure.

If your dog has any of the classic symptoms listed above, then what should you do: get a Kennel Cough Vaccination or look for a Kennel Cough Treatment?

Kennel Cough Vaccine

Yes there is one, come on, in this country vaccinations are marketed as the end all cure all panacea, so why not have one for dogs (and one for cats too)?

Here’s a refresher on how vaccinations work. You take millions of virus particles, add a toxic chemical cocktail that contains mercury (which is poisonous in any form in any amount) that is specifically engineered to “lower” or destroy the dog’s immune system for a couple of weeks. This supposedly triggers antibodies; well guess what typically happens in this experiment?

Tons of animals are coming down with really bad cases of Kennel Cough, Bordetella, or Parvo, or whatever the vaccination is meant to protect against. Sadly, many animals are dying from these unnecessary vaccinations. Have you seen the horror stories on our Bordetella Vaccine page? Perfectly healthy animals get vaccinated and within hours become sick and, some gave their life – and for what?

Kennel Cough and Bordetella are NOT life-threatening!Please re-read this a few times.

However, when you introduce a super-potent chemical cocktail with millions of virus particles, then you are putting your animals in grave peril.

And if all the possible side-effects weren’t bad enough, many people are self-administering, or, at the insistence of their vet, giving shots to animals that have been exposed – but not yet showing symptoms. This is by far one of the worst things you could ever do or have done to your animal. If he has the virus in his system, then a vaccination will almost, in 99% of the time, bring out the full-blown virus.

Problem is, you may not know that he has the virus and with millions of virus particles and the chemicals that destroy his immune system, then he has no chance under this type of attack.

As far as we’re concerned, vaccinations cause way more problems than they could ever solve. Think about it, where on Earth would your dog ever come in contact with millions of virus particles, plus a so-called delivery system that is nothing but toxic chemicals that destroys his ability to fight off the virus and leaves him wide open for any and all germs, bacteria, other viruses, parasites, etc. that are in the environment, and have this injected directly into his blood stream? There’s only one place you’ll find something so grotesque and that’s in a lab. You won’t find this as any kind of naturally occurring part of nature.

Vaccinations are man-made and there is an agenda – primarily this is a cash cow, plain and simple. A vet will spend zero to under a dollar for a vaccine, and will turn around and charge you anywhere from $50 to $100 or more for the shots and the office visit and any other thing they can tack on to the bill. Who wouldn’t want thousands of percent mark-ups for five minutes’ work? But the cash flow does not stop there. Once your dog gets the vaccinations and he experiences side-effects, what will you do? Yep, take him back for yet another office visit fee and much much more.

OK, so what is the alternative?

Look for a Kennel Cough Treatment. How about a Kennel Cough Remedy that is safe, gentle, effective, and will not cause any side-effects?

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